Blog » Fed Up with Busby SEO Test Spammers…

Fed Up with Busby SEO Test Spammers…

Ok, bear with me here a minute. I don't usually use this forum for personal rants but I've had it with these Spammers (to put it kindly) that are participating in the Busby SEO Test contest putting up inane and irrelevant comments on this site just so that they can get a link back to their site and increase their SEO rankings. My understanding is that this contest awards a cash prize to whoever gets the highest rankings for a particular term with a from scratch site. Or something like that.

I put up with the lame "Nice article" or "good info" kind of comments but the last straw came when someone posted a comment to the effect of "Great information, I'll use this technique on my blog" when the content of the posting was source code on how to add Video to a product page in ASPDNSF. Good try sweetie…

So, I've added a BE.Net extension that will automatically add certain types of comments (not gonna say how so they can't try and game it) to our blacklist. And if new ones slip through, comments are MODERATED on this website so I will be deleting, not approving, any comments that come in that hint of being affiliated with this contest that is turning normal people into spammers, all under the guise of a competition.


Michael Gibbs
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