Blog » Twitter Plugin for Windows Live Writer Updated for OAUTH

Twitter Plugin for Windows Live Writer Updated for OAUTH

Twitter Notify, a great plugin for Windows Live Writer, is working with Twitter again thanks to updated version!Ever since the oauth-calypse back in August, I’ve been really missing my this plugin for Windows Live Writer. WLW is, in my mind, the best way to manage and compose your blog posts regardless of the platform you are working on (WordPress, BlogEngine.Net, SubText, etc) however the Microsoft-built plugin that I relied upon on every post, called Twitter Notify, stopped working abruptly when Twitter dropped support for basic authentication.

It appears that on August 31 Microsoft quietly introduced an update to this plugin which has been downloaded close to 17,000 times that promises to take care of this problem. This will be our official first post using the new plugin so let’s see if this works!

If so, everyone within earshot who uses WLW should go grab this immediately! If you don’t use WLW, tell us why not in the comments section below!

Michael Gibbs
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