If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, you can do the following to all of the xaEmm*.aspx.cs files in order to get this working with your website:
Add a Using reference to AspDotNetStorefrontCore to the top of the file as shown below:

I’m sure purists might insist that you actually replace the AspDotNetStorefronCommon line with the AspDotNetStorefrontCore line but I haven’t fully regression tested that to make certain all works as expected. Other than that, you should be good to go! Please report back here if you experience any problems after your upgrade or use the Contact Us form for more support.
Original Posting:
There are some changes in the core programming concepts in v8.0.1.1 of ASPDNSF that will prevent EMM from working. If you upgrade from v8.0.0.0 (or any previous version) please be aware that until I’ve completed my work in updating EMM, the Enhanced Mailing Manager for AspDotNetStorefront will not work.
I’ll have more information on this available as the weekend progresses.
I’m not certain what happened to the image that is supposed to appear up above but the information is that you basically replace every instance of “using AspDotNetStorefront;” in any of the asp.cs files with “using AspDotNetStorefrontCore;”
Please find below a copy of v1.0.1.1 of EMM that has been modified to work, out of the box, with v8.0.1.1 and v8.0.1.2 of ASPDNSF. Note, support for v9.x is forthcoming.
EMMv1.0.1.1-For8.0.1.1AndUp.zip (55.14 kb)
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