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New Products RSS Feed for ASPDotNetStoreFront

I?ve just recently completed work on a New Product RSS feed for one of my ASPDNSF customers and thought I?d post it here for all to benefit from. This package uses the already existing RssFeed.aspx files that come with ASPDNSF for display. To use the attached XMLPackage, you?ll need to do the following:

Here are some of the more interesting things about the XMLPackage that might going through the code a good learning experience. The first is identifying the odd format that RSS feeds expect dates to be in. Below is the SQL code to format the date string (in this case for the item creation date (to be used as the published date)

  <query name="Items" rowElementName="Item">
                select top @Limit ProductID, ProductGUID, Name, SEName, Description, 
                LEFT(DATENAME(dw, CreatedOn), 3) 
                + ',' + ' ' + RIGHT('0'+CAST(DATEPART(DAY, CreatedOn) AS CHAR(2)),2) + ' ' + LEFT(DATENAME(m, CreatedOn),3)
                +  ' ' + CAST(YEAR(CreatedOn) AS CHAR(4)) 
                + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar,CreatedOn,108) + ' PST' AS CreatedDate
                from dbo.product with (nolock) 
                where Deleted = 0 and Published=1
                order by createdon desc
    <querystringreplace replaceTag="@Limit" replacetype="request" replaceparamname="limit" defvalue="5" validationpattern="^\d{1,10}$" />

This formats the dates into a string that looks like the following: 

Wed, 8 Oct 2008 15:40:02 PST

as opposed to a standard SQL date that look like this:

2008-11-28 14:34:05.920

I just found it much easier to manipulate this in SQL than in XSL.

One key to properly providing an RSS feed for consumption is to provide the last build date so that RSS readers aren?t needlessly downloading articles. This is provided by determining the most recently created item and stuffing it into the LastCreatedDate. The RSS Channel includes Generator, Title, Link, Description, Copyright, Date, lastBuildDate, and image elements; all except the image elements are drawn from AppConfig or System values to minimize the need to modify this file unless you need to. This XMLPackage also includes the following elements of the RSS Item specification: title, link, description, author, guid, date, pubDate and image. In the case of Item, all the values are drawn from the product database including properly formatting the product link URL and the item image URL.

I?m looking forward to hearing how people are going to use this application. Please use the feedback section below to let me know what you think of this XMLPackage!

New Product RSS Feed v1.0 download

Install Service Now Offered for xaEmm

Looking to give the Enhanced Mailing Manger for ASPDNSF a try but don't have the time to do the install yourself? As many of my clients are consultants and programmers working for others, many find it easier to pay a small amount to have EMM installed right, the first time. Or perhaps you are a store owner and want to add EMM to your system but don't want to go back to the original programmers that built the site for you to implement this for you?

Well, Exhibit A Communications has listened to your pain and come up with an answer for you. We now offer installation services as low as $75 per installation (when purchased at the same time as a license) or for $100 per installation for the trial version. Scratch that, during this introductory period, we are going to offer install services at the low $75 rate regardless of whether you purchase the license or not!

Pay for EMM registration via PayPal, Credit Card or Google Checkout In order to take advantage of this offer, you will first need to go to our BUY page for EMM and choose the payment option you are interested in. Then you would need to provide us with the following information:

  • Domain Name (as define in AppConfig LiveServer value) to register EMM to
  • The full URL to the admin section of the website
  • A temporary administrative login/password to the admin section of website
  • The Full URL for FTP access to the site (to upload files)
  • An FTP login and password for the above URL.

Once we have this information, and your payment of course, we can proceed with installing EMM on your behalf.

Thoughts or questions? Please use the comments section below if you'd like the conversation carried on in public or you can always use our Contact Us page to send us private comments or questions.

What Would You Add to Enhanced Mailing Manager?

In the interest of making EMM the best tool possible for all my customers, I thought I should be working harder to get more feedback from you all on what we you would like to see the package do. You can always send me e-mails about future feature requests, but perhaps this forum would be a better way to do that? Please feel free to use the Comments at the bottom of each post here on the blog to push your ideas up, not just for me, but for other users in the community to comment on.

I was recently asked by a new customer Dan if we previewed the email addresses that a given audience would send to BEFORE you actually sent it. I’m thinking this is a great idea but am wondering how people would use it. Would having a count be more important than actually seeing the addresses? One of my early concerns was to minimize the likelihood that an unscrupulous customer service representative in your organization uses this to do some data mining or to get around the built-in restrictions to prevent email from being sent to people that have unsubscribed.

Thoughts are always welcome using the comments below!

EMM WYSIWYG work complete

By utilizing the built-in RAD editor that comes bundled with the ASPDNSF storefronts, we've been able to quickly and easily adding a WYSIWYG editor into EMM. By utilizing the included RAD editor, your staff won't have to relearn a new editing interface.


The new editing system allows you to flip to full-screen editor and back, just like you get in the ASPDNSF as well as being able to flip back and forth between WYSIWYG and HTML editing mode. The editor will also respect the TurnOffHtmlEditorInAdminSite appconfig parameter so that if you have this turned off system-wide, we'll honor that request here. We've even provided in the code a simple override for this so that if you wanted EMM to use the opposite value than the rest of the site. And best of all, the Insert links work regardless of which mode you decide to use.

This new feature will appear on March 1st when version is released to our current customers along with the other changes to be integrated into the product.

On the Map, So To Speak… Part Two…

Well, we’ve gotten the GASS product product listed up on Google’s Enterprise Solutions Gallery… and now we’re proud to announce something similar for EMM… We are now listed on the ASPDotNetStorefront Marketplace page!

Click here to go directly to our info page in the marketplace

Hopefully in the near future, we’ll also have more information to share about another location where EMM will be profiled. The more people we get exposed to the application, the more we get them using it. The more we get using it, the more improvements we’ll be able to offer so buy early and buy often!

Enhancements Planned for EMM

plans are on for Enhanced Mail Manager (EMM) for ASPDNSF to be released no later than the end of February (yikes, now that I’ve committed to this in writing, I’d better get on the stick). This next release will include the following features:

  • Freely downloadable demonstration copy available
  • WYSIWYG Editor support for the creation of the HTML portion of an email campaign
  • Support for newsletter sign ups from the website. Site administrator would control the following AppConfig settings:
    • Is newsletter sign up single or double opt in? (defaults to double opt in)
    • Will newsletter sign ups be added as new ASPDNSF customers or as records in the external customers database? (defaults to customer records)
    • Will sign up form force the collection of first and last names? (default is yes)

If anyone has thoughts or comments on how features they’d like to see added to the EMM application, please use our Contact Us form or by leaving a comment below or by leaving your recommendation in the EMM support forum.

When To Send… Does It Matter? regularly posts articles of interest to e-tailers and marketeers. Here is one that I thought EMM customers might find of particular interest.

The question revolves around whether or not time of day makes a difference in the click-through rates for e-mail campaigns. Not surprisingly, they came to the conclusion that time of day does indeed matter!

The first step is to use analytics to narrow down the choice of times to test. You are using analytics, right? No? Then shame on you! In this day of Google Analytics (which is free BTW) there is no reason to not use Analytics to analyze the performance of your site. Most tools will show you the busiest hours on your site. The example used showed that 9 am & noon were the busiest hours with Tuesday being the busiest day of the week. With this info in hand they moved onto the next step.

Next you have to determine how to best segment your audience. Since this is a time based test, they chose to segment by time zone. You could just as easily have done it by state or network or anything else. EMM allows you a great flexibility in doing this via the Custom Query feature in each campaign. In this case they chose the two busiest hours and an off-peak hour to test against.

The next step would be to actually send the A/B/C tests. Because the only variable they wanted in this test was the time, the subject line and body of the message remained the same. EMM is perfect for this since the administrative interface refers to messages by a unique title you can name that makes sense rather than referring to the subject line alone. After the emails were sent they went back and evaluated the results by the click-through rates; another area where EMM shines. No need to go to a paid service to track click-through rates when this is built into the product. Conversion was less important since the content of the message and the landing pages were the same.

What were the results you ask? Does it really matter? I would argue that is doesn’t matter much as their customers are different than yours and mine. The only way that we can make assumptions about GENERAL buying trends is to compare the data across multiple customer bases.

It is more important that you take the time to run a test like this yourself and report your results here in a comment so we can all benefit from the shared knowledge.


Enhanced Mail Manager for AspDotNetStoreFront Released!

Finally, this product is ready for prime time (I hope<G>)… Enhanced Mail Manager (EMM) for AspDotNetStoreFront is finally available. This tool is built upon years of experience in building and servicing the email marketing needs of hundreds of media properties around the world.

EMM brings the full power of personalized communications to your base of customers in your ASPDNSF storefront. Not only can you finally send personalized messages to your customers but the flexibility of the system allows you to target subsets of customers! Want to send different messages and offerings to customers on AOL? You bet! Need to send an email to everyone who bought a particular product? Of course you can. Looking to send an email to those who've haven't bought from you in the last six months? This is the product for you!

I could go on forever about this wonderful tool (if I do say so myself) but you'll learn more by going to the EMM page and learning more about it. Sure, you can outsource to companies like Constant Contact or others but why pay $15 to $150 per month or more when for $100, you can get this fantastic tool and put it to use immediately!

Check it out and leave us comments below if you have thoughts about this great new product!