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Category: Services

Backup Your Google Apps Data

One of the concerns we hear from people is "How do we backup our data when it lives in the cloud?" Well, if you are using Google Apps, or even just plain old Google Docs, the option is there to do this.

The first thing you’ll need to do is to select all of your documents. Because Google uses an "infiinite scrolling" technique to display your documents, you may need to select "All Items" in the left menu and then scroll all the way to the bottom of your list of items; ensuring that Google has loaded all the documents on the screen. Then you can pull down checkbox selector and choose "Select all visible". This will put a checkbox next to each item on the list.

Select All Items screenshot

Next you’ll either right click on the listed items and select "Export" or pull down the "More Actions" menu item and select "Export".

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How NOT to Offers Support Videos

imageI was signing up for a new YouTube account to support a forthcoming video/blog project (we’ll have announcements about it soon) when I stumbled on the following page in Google’s YouTube support pages:

I was interested in learning more about desired video formats and, in particular HD video formats. So, I clicked on the video at right labelled “How to make HD videos for YouTube” only to be greeted by the following message in the video:

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Updated Breadcrumb Post Tip

In the blog posting entitled SEO And ASPDotNetStorefront, I presented a way to modify the breadcrumbs automatically created in ASPDotNetStorefront. Well, it appears that I left out one potential way that the breadcrumbs could be presented.

When a top level entity entity (Section, Category, Genre, etc) are displayed the top level is wrapped in a span tag with a class of SectionTitleText. Unfortunately, given my earlier code, this will end up presenting the Section_Title in the same size text rather than the size defined in your H1 tag since H1 tags would end up around the previously mentioned span.

Instead of :

if (SectionTitle.LastIndexOf(sep) == -1) // if there is no arrows in bread crumb
    s = s.Replace("(!SECTION_TITLE!)", String.Format("<h1>{0}</h1>",

I now use:
if (SectionTitle.LastIndexOf(sep) == -1) // if there is no arrows in bread crumb
    if (SectionTitle.Contains("<span class=\"SectionTitleText\">")) // This is the root of an entity so strip off this span tag
        tmpS = SectionTitle.Replace("<span class=\"SectionTitleText\">", "");
        tmpS = tmpS.Replace("</span>", "");
        s = s.Replace("(!SECTION_TITLE!)", String.Format("<h1>{0}</h1>",
    else // this is some other thipe of page
        s = s.Replace("(!SECTION_TITLE!)", String.Format("<h1>{0}</h1>",

This will trap instances of the SectionTitleText span and removes them from the SectionTitle (if found) before doing the token replacement.