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Google App Videos Galore

Sitting on the fence about moving your business to Google Apps? Or perhaps you've moved to Google Apps recently and not sure how to use all of it's features? Checkout the following video links from the Google Apps Channel on YouTube.com.

Can you tell we are "sold" on Google Apps? We are and you certainly should be too! If you are interested and need some assistance with your Google Apps setup, we can help!

As always, we welcome any comments, please use the comments selection below to give us feedback or to carry on the conversation in the blog. if you have specific questions about Google Apps or Exhibit A services, please use our contact page.

More Goodness from Google!

For those of you using Google Apps and looking for a reason to move up to the Premiere (read paid) version of Google Apps, perhaps this is the excuse you are looking for! Google announced yesterday that Google Video will now be available as a branded and secure video service for hosting training and other videos using a YouTube-like environment. Lest any concern over administration, it will allow administrators to add/edit/delete videos uploaded by their users, to control the tag taxonomy as well as take advantage of Google’s copyright violation filters.

More information in the following links:

I ncase you’ve been living in a hole, Google also released Chrome yesterday. Chrome is their new browser that was written from scratch by Google’s teams to address the most pressing needs that people experience these days: instability when running more complex web-based applications. Of course Google has good reason to want to pursue this, and if you look at it, it comes very close to a little mini-operating system. If you are looking for more information on Chrome, you can find a great deal of introductory information in their Comic Book.

While not necessarily game changers, both of these new releases make Google a more compelling business tool!

Install Service Now Offered for xaEmm

Looking to give the Enhanced Mailing Manger for ASPDNSF a try but don't have the time to do the install yourself? As many of my clients are consultants and programmers working for others, many find it easier to pay a small amount to have EMM installed right, the first time. Or perhaps you are a store owner and want to add EMM to your system but don't want to go back to the original programmers that built the site for you to implement this for you?

Well, Exhibit A Communications has listened to your pain and come up with an answer for you. We now offer installation services as low as $75 per installation (when purchased at the same time as a license) or for $100 per installation for the trial version. Scratch that, during this introductory period, we are going to offer install services at the low $75 rate regardless of whether you purchase the license or not!

Pay for EMM registration via PayPal, Credit Card or Google Checkout In order to take advantage of this offer, you will first need to go to our BUY page for EMM and choose the payment option you are interested in. Then you would need to provide us with the following information:

  • Domain Name (as define in AppConfig LiveServer value) to register EMM to
  • The full URL to the admin section of the website
  • A temporary administrative login/password to the admin section of website
  • The Full URL for FTP access to the site (to upload files)
  • An FTP login and password for the above URL.

Once we have this information, and your payment of course, we can proceed with installing EMM on your behalf.

Thoughts or questions? Please use the comments section below if you'd like the conversation carried on in public or you can always use our Contact Us page to send us private comments or questions.

Having Problems with Microsoft or Windows Update?

I had one computer that I figured was just brain dead (I still think it is) and was never able to get to the bottom of why updates wouldn’t install on it. I was blaming the computer (and it’s previous owner). Well, I just experienced the same problem with another XP computer that prompted me to aggressively try and find an answer.

I found the following on Tech Support Forums:

I suggest you try this workaround for Windows Update issues…
How to Repair the Windows Update Files.
1. Go Start > Run.
2. In the box type REGSVR32 WUAPI.DLL > Enter.
3. A message saying, "DllRegisterServer in WUAPI.DLL succeeded" will appear > OK.
4. Now it is necessary to repeat these steps for each of the following files commands:
Hit Enter after each line

Once finished; since the temporary folder of Windows Update may be corrupted, please carry out the following steps to rename the folder:
1. Go Start > Run > in the box type cmd > Enter.
Type the following command in the open panel.
net stop WuAuServ
(Please Note: the computer may need to be rebooted before the net stop command will work.)
2. Go Start > Run > type in the box %windir% > Enter.
3. In the opened folder, rename the folder ( by Right clicking) SoftwareDistribution to Sdold.
4. Go Start > Run > type in cmd > Enter. In the open command pane, please type:
net start WuAuServ
Once that’s done, Go Start > All Programs > Windows Updates and see if it will allow the downloading/installation of Windows Updates.

This seems to have resolved the problem on the newer computer that was exhibiting this problem and so I thought I would share this with the world (of people that actually read my blog). Now to go attempt this on the lame computer we are using for our postage/shipping system… Wish me luck!

What Would You Add to Enhanced Mailing Manager?

In the interest of making EMM the best tool possible for all my customers, I thought I should be working harder to get more feedback from you all on what we you would like to see the package do. You can always send me e-mails about future feature requests, but perhaps this forum would be a better way to do that? Please feel free to use the Comments at the bottom of each post here on the blog to push your ideas up, not just for me, but for other users in the community to comment on.

I was recently asked by a new customer Dan if we previewed the email addresses that a given audience would send to BEFORE you actually sent it. I’m thinking this is a great idea but am wondering how people would use it. Would having a count be more important than actually seeing the addresses? One of my early concerns was to minimize the likelihood that an unscrupulous customer service representative in your organization uses this to do some data mining or to get around the built-in restrictions to prevent email from being sent to people that have unsubscribed.

Thoughts are always welcome using the comments below!

New Features Added to Google Apps

For those of you using Google Apps, you might be interested in the following new features:

Not using Google Apps yet? Let us help you take fullest advantage of all this Googley goodness with our Google Apps Setup Service.

Enhanced Mailing Manager version for ASPDNSF Released!

Yes, that's right, the much anticipated release of EMM v1.0.1.0  for AspDotNetStoreFront has occurred. I've finally gotten my act in gear and finished up all the features that people have been asking for.

Want to try out EMM without having to buy it first? You've got it! You can now download a copy of the current version of EMM. We've enabled a key system that allows anyone to download and try the product in their environment and the only thing that they won't be able to do is send emails to the non-test target audiences.

image Looking for WYSIWYG editing of HTML version of a campaign? Done! This is one we previewed in an earlier posting but it is certainly worth crowing about here as well! We've integrated ASPDNSF's WYSIWYG editor into our tool to make it easier for non-coders to make good looking newsletters and emails. Say you don't like that editor and have it turned off in AppConfig variables? No problem, we honor that flag!

image Do you want simple, one-click newsletter sign ups? We've listened to you and integrated what we think is the best system for doing this. No longer will you need to require that potential newsletter subscribers create an entire profile in ASPDNSF in order to send them emails. We provide you with the tools to no only define Double and Single Opt In email collection, but you can also force the potential subscriber to provide their first and last names on the jump if you'd prefer! Even better, you can keep these individuals separate from your normal customers by posting them into EMM External Customer database. Say you want to insert them into your standard ASPDNSF customer database? No problem as we can handle that as well!

Note: The proposed defaults discussed in this earlier post have been modified. We are still defaulting to Double Opt-In email collection (the smart way to do things) but the default behavior of data collection is to only require email addresses rather than forcing first and last name as indicated previously. That post also indicated that we would be defaulting the insertion of newly subscribed users to the ASPDNSF Customer table. After much consideration, we've decided that our customers might need access to adding customers to both customer tables within the same website so we've placed the controlling logic in the forms that subscribers will use to sign up from.

Of course, you still get all of this for a mere $100! If you aren't currently using this application with your ASPDNSF storefront, you owe it to yourself to download the evaluation version to give it a shot!

Have any comments or questions? Please feel free to comment or contact us using the Comment feature below.

EMMv1.0.1.0.zip (55.13 kb)

Add PDFs to Your Google Docs under Google Apps

image Looking to extend the Docs portion of Google Apps to act as a repository? Google has heard your cries!

You can now upload and share PDF files into your docs repository. While you can’t search the PDFs (I’ve got to believe they are going to fix this given that they are a SEARCH company) you can at least cut and paste from these PDF files.

You’ll find more about this on the Google Docs blog posting here: http://googledocs.blogspot.com/2008/06/upload-your-pdfs.html

Got Mac? Get Apps!

Here is a great case study on an all-Mac shop moving their email and groupware solution over to Google Apps:

Just a reminder, if you are looking to do this, Mac or otherwise, we can help with our Google Apps Setup Service.

And while we are talking about Macs, Mac )X X 10.5.3 update has slipped in Address Book <-> Google Contacts synchronization using the iSync subsystem. This also enables, it appears, iCal to sync with Google calendar as well. Learn more about it here: mac-os-x-1053-sync-google-conta

Securing Your Google Apps Email Connection

Looking to make your Google Apps Email more secure? Tired of worrying about keeping the content of your business and personal emails private when using Google Apps web-based interface (aka Gmail)? Well, you are in luck!

If you connect to your mail account using the URL https://mail.google.com/a/domain.com/ (where domain.com is your domain name), the SSL connection will stay up for the duration of your session  as opposed to just during the login side!

Enjoy your privacy folks!