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Email Marketers Meet and Share Ideas

Those who’ve known me for some time know that I kind of have a love/hate relationship with MarketingSherpa and the information they provide. At times they provide great support and numbers from the industry to use when crafting your own campaigns. At other times, they frustrate me no end when I find that I disagree with their conclusions…

All that being said, they recently released a short summary on the Email Marketing Summit 2008. Below are some of the top dozen takeaways:

  1. Don’t get caught up in only being a marketer – Put on the hats of those in your organization that you are trying to co-opt to your way of thinking. How can what YOU do assist those above and beside you in the organization.
  2. Landing pages are becoming de riguer – Most marketers wouldn’t think these days about testing a marketing campaign without having strong landing pages associated with them. Suggestions include building the landing page as soon as the offer and message are defined to ensure that the work gets done before the emails go out.
  3. It is message, stupid – stick to your message at every step of the campaign. This includes the subject line, the text and images of the message and the landing page itself. Tips: Landing pages shouldn’t carry all the site navigation elements to prevent distracting from the message in the offer.
  4. Don’t waste too much energy worrying about deliverability – while important, this is becoming less and less of a concern as opposed to ensuring that your message comes across to those who do get it.
  5. Segment your audience – One size doesn’t fit all and you’ll find that many small, targettable lists will out perform a massive but unspecific list any day.
  6. The rumor of the death of email is just that, a rumor – don’t give in to talk that email marketing is dead as email loses it’s day in – day out value to Internet customers and users. A resurgence of email availability is seen with the large swings of consumer to connected devices like Blackberries, iPhones and Windows Mobile devices.
  7. Be Interesting – Give your targets a reason to open your emails. You can do this by trying different subject lines across your segmented list (you are segmenting your list, aren’t you? If not, see #5 above). Be irreverent, be obtuse, just please be something other than predictable or boring.
  8. Close the door on Open Rates – While there is some value to open rates, this is being too short-sighted. You need to keep your aim a little higher. You should be concerned more with conversion rates or click-through rates; depending upon your goals.
  9. B2B, or not 2B – The answer to this question is that B-to-B email marketing is on the upswing but keep it targeted, interesting and directly personalized to get recipients engaged in the message of the campaign.
  10. Ask and ye shall receive – Use the communication opportunity to your customers to ask questions about anything you can think of. These provided great opportunities to learn more about your customers and targets alike.
  11. Get Mobile – Reaching out to mobile users with your message will become a key target in the coming years as the penetration of email capable devices continues to grow over the next few years.
  12. And lastly… TEST, TEST, TEST

Interested in how EMM can help with these? Here’s the high points:

  • Need to segment lists? Use Custom Queries to create repeatable groups of campaign recipients. You can slice and dice your users by network, by zip codes or just about any data point available in ASPDNSF customer records. With some SQL creativity, you could even target your lists at customers who haven’t bought recently (or ever) or even ones who bought a specific product.
  • Accountability? Track not only opens, but more importantly, use the click tracking to monitor the success of actually driving your customers to your landing pages, site or other location
  • Mobile ready? Taking full advantage of multi-part messaging available in EMM to reach mobile devices of varying email capabilities by letting the device sort out which of version of your campaign to display.

If you have any thoughts on this, or any topic, please DO use the comments feature below start a dialog with MJG or any other readers of this blog!

Google Tips #00001 & #00002

Create surveys with Google Docs

A common use case for Google Docs is to create a spreadsheet and circulate the link to collect data. For instance, you might create a spreadsheet to collect your colleagues’ preferred dates and topics for a guest speaker.
Instead of giving everyone access to your spreadsheet, you can now create a form in your spreadsheet and send it out to anyone with an email address (not just Google Apps users). Read more at the Google Docs Blog post:


More Docs printing options

Understanding that the key to printing documents is proper formatting, and Google has added PDF-based printing to Google Docs. Go to File -> Print, select how many slides you’d like on a page (up to 12), and preview your choice.
You’ll see exactly what the printed version will look like in your preview window.

New and Exciting from Google Apps

Google has recently announced the addition of Google Sites to Google Apps. How is this different from Google Web Pages that was previously included in Google Apps?

Well, one thing to know is that it doesn’t replace Google Web Pages, it exists in addition to it. However I think most of our customers will find the extra versatility of Google Sites will make using Google Web Pages a thing of the past.

One of the first new features is that you can set domain-wide standards for sharing site pages just like you do for docs.image 
This can be a powerful feature, allowing you to truly create a secure intranet or making the site public to all or any of the other options between these two extremes shown in the screen capture above. When you create a new site within your Google Apps domain, you’ll find that you have the option to set the sharing for this page. The choices you made at the corporate level will determine the options that show up when you create a new page. If you’ve selected the most restrictive option in the configuration, you’ll see this when you create a new site: image while if you selected to allow users to make the sites public,  you’ll see image .

imageIn addition to creating single or two column layouts based on a number of different themes, this tool also has some great Inserts that you can use to spice up your pages. Here is a screenshot of the current offerings:

For those of you looking to use this as an intranet, this is probably the closest thing, so far, to getting a Gdrive for Google Apps. With 10GB of storage with all levels of of Google Apps (with an additional 500MB for each user in the premium and education versions), you’ve got plenty of room to post PDFs or other items to share with your users that just can’t be done in the world of Google Docs. The only downside is that you are limited to no more than 10MB per file so this probably isn’t the best place to be sharing your music collections with the users in your domain.


imageWant to get this set up on your site? You can turn this on for yourself by going to the administrative control panel found at https://www.google.com/a/cpanel/yourdomainname.com and clicking on the "Add more services" link. 

Some of you may find that you already have the Google Sites icon image active on your home page since recently a portion of the Google Apps setup allows you to choose to image. If this was turned on for your domain, you should find that this feature is automatically enabled on your Google Apps setup.

If you’d like assistance setting this up on your Google Apps, we can make the required DNS changes and turn on this feature for you if you’d like for a low one-time fee.

EMM WYSIWYG work complete

By utilizing the built-in RAD editor that comes bundled with the ASPDNSF storefronts, we've been able to quickly and easily adding a WYSIWYG editor into EMM. By utilizing the included RAD editor, your staff won't have to relearn a new editing interface.


The new editing system allows you to flip to full-screen editor and back, just like you get in the ASPDNSF as well as being able to flip back and forth between WYSIWYG and HTML editing mode. The editor will also respect the TurnOffHtmlEditorInAdminSite appconfig parameter so that if you have this turned off system-wide, we'll honor that request here. We've even provided in the code a simple override for this so that if you wanted EMM to use the opposite value than the rest of the site. And best of all, the Insert links work regardless of which mode you decide to use.

This new feature will appear on March 1st when version is released to our current customers along with the other changes to be integrated into the product.

Google Apps Web Pages

Or How I learned to love Google Page Creator… almost.

I've had my first GASS clients decide they want to use this feature of Google Apps so I'm having to learn more about it. It is a nice little hosting plan with a simplified interface for editing HTML pages. Not bad for the price but not suitable for a lot of customers. In looking at this more, I ran across these links that I thought might be of interest to people.

Here are some GPC links of interest to those who use this feature:

On the Map, So To Speak… Part Two…

Well, we’ve gotten the GASS product product listed up on Google’s Enterprise Solutions Gallery… and now we’re proud to announce something similar for EMM… We are now listed on the ASPDotNetStorefront Marketplace page!

Click here to go directly to our info page in the marketplace

Hopefully in the near future, we’ll also have more information to share about another location where EMM will be profiled. The more people we get exposed to the application, the more we get them using it. The more we get using it, the more improvements we’ll be able to offer so buy early and buy often!

Enhancements Planned for EMM

plans are on for Enhanced Mail Manager (EMM) for ASPDNSF to be released no later than the end of February (yikes, now that I’ve committed to this in writing, I’d better get on the stick). This next release will include the following features:

  • Freely downloadable demonstration copy available
  • WYSIWYG Editor support for the creation of the HTML portion of an email campaign
  • Support for newsletter sign ups from the website. Site administrator would control the following AppConfig settings:
    • Is newsletter sign up single or double opt in? (defaults to double opt in)
    • Will newsletter sign ups be added as new ASPDNSF customers or as records in the external customers database? (defaults to customer records)
    • Will sign up form force the collection of first and last names? (default is yes)

If anyone has thoughts or comments on how features they’d like to see added to the EMM application, please use our Contact Us form or by leaving a comment below or by leaving your recommendation in the EMM support forum.

On the Map, So To Speak…

Woohoo! Our Google Apps Setup Service (GASS) has been listed on Google’s Enterprise Solutions Gallery

Link to Google's Enterprise Solutions Gallery

and we’ve already begun receiving emails about it!

If you are interested in setting up YOUR small business on Google Apps and don’t have the time or the technical experience to do so, we’ve got the solution for you. Our GASS product is available for as low as $150! Go to our Google Apps Setup Service (GASS) page to get the complete story!

When To Send… Does It Matter?

MarketingSherpa.com regularly posts articles of interest to e-tailers and marketeers. Here is one that I thought EMM customers might find of particular interest.

The question revolves around whether or not time of day makes a difference in the click-through rates for e-mail campaigns. Not surprisingly, they came to the conclusion that time of day does indeed matter!

The first step is to use analytics to narrow down the choice of times to test. You are using analytics, right? No? Then shame on you! In this day of Google Analytics (which is free BTW) there is no reason to not use Analytics to analyze the performance of your site. Most tools will show you the busiest hours on your site. The example used showed that 9 am & noon were the busiest hours with Tuesday being the busiest day of the week. With this info in hand they moved onto the next step.

Next you have to determine how to best segment your audience. Since this is a time based test, they chose to segment by time zone. You could just as easily have done it by state or network or anything else. EMM allows you a great flexibility in doing this via the Custom Query feature in each campaign. In this case they chose the two busiest hours and an off-peak hour to test against.

The next step would be to actually send the A/B/C tests. Because the only variable they wanted in this test was the time, the subject line and body of the message remained the same. EMM is perfect for this since the administrative interface refers to messages by a unique title you can name that makes sense rather than referring to the subject line alone. After the emails were sent they went back and evaluated the results by the click-through rates; another area where EMM shines. No need to go to a paid service to track click-through rates when this is built into the product. Conversion was less important since the content of the message and the landing pages were the same.

What were the results you ask? Does it really matter? I would argue that is doesn’t matter much as their customers are different than yours and mine. The only way that we can make assumptions about GENERAL buying trends is to compare the data across multiple customer bases.

It is more important that you take the time to run a test like this yourself and report your results here in a comment so we can all benefit from the shared knowledge.

Source: http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article.php?ident=30305

Enhanced Mail Manager for AspDotNetStoreFront Released!

Finally, this product is ready for prime time (I hope<G>)… Enhanced Mail Manager (EMM) for AspDotNetStoreFront is finally available. This tool is built upon years of experience in building and servicing the email marketing needs of hundreds of media properties around the world.

EMM brings the full power of personalized communications to your base of customers in your ASPDNSF storefront. Not only can you finally send personalized messages to your customers but the flexibility of the system allows you to target subsets of customers! Want to send different messages and offerings to customers on AOL? You bet! Need to send an email to everyone who bought a particular product? Of course you can. Looking to send an email to those who've haven't bought from you in the last six months? This is the product for you!

I could go on forever about this wonderful tool (if I do say so myself) but you'll learn more by going to the EMM page and learning more about it. Sure, you can outsource to companies like Constant Contact or others but why pay $15 to $150 per month or more when for $100, you can get this fantastic tool and put it to use immediately!

Check it out and leave us comments below if you have thoughts about this great new product!