google docs

Tag: google docs

Google Doc Discussions: Google Wave lite?

Discussions in Google Docs puts the comments functionality to shameI among many others, mourned the loss of Wave. While it had many fantastic features, I think it was exactly this broad feature-set that caused it’s early demise. One of the features in Wave that I thought was a killer app was the ability to easily hold group discussions while collaborating on documents.

Well today, Google Docs announced their new Discussion feature that will go a long way towards resolving this issue. Watch the video for more details and see me after the break…

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How to Receive Email from Google Forms

Setting Notification Rules in Google Spreadsheet so you get emailed when form is submitted.

The forms built into Google Docs are handy devices. We’ve talked before about how easy it is to create a form and have the resultant data stored in a Google Docs spreadsheet for later use but many people are looking for more immediate gratification.

It is a little buried, but Google does make it fairy easy to do this Anyone who has access to view the spreadsheet behind the form can go the Tools menu and select Notification Rules.

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Google Puts Nail in Coffin of IE6

Check out this fun anti-IE6 logo from Google announced today that many of the elements of Google apps will no longer support older browers; most notably Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 6.

They are determined to not let lack of support for faster Javascript processing or support HTML5 get in the way of providing a great interface for their customers. As such, after March 1, 2010, Google Docs suite and Google Sites editor will not work with IE earlier than 7.0, Firefox below v3.0, Chrome below 4.0 and Safari below 3.0. Starting next week they will present messages to users to the this effect and recommending that they update.

More importantly, they intend to roll out Google Mail (Gmail) and Google Calendar later in the year. Given that Microsoft has already put out a cry to people to STOP USING IE6, I think that Docs and Sites will not be the death knell but I’m certain that when Gmail stops supporting it, Google will have effectively put the last nail in the coffin of this antiquated web browser.


What do you think?

Using Google Forms? Get Notified Of Submissions!

Google Spreadsheet Form If your Google Sites or custom website is using Google Forms for data collection, you’re probably quite familiar with going to the spreadsheet to collect information submitted by your site visitors. However, many times you want to know RIGHT AWAY that a customer is reaching out to you because they are a hot lead that you’ll want to contact immediately.

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Backup Your Google Apps Data

One of the concerns we hear from people is "How do we backup our data when it lives in the cloud?" Well, if you are using Google Apps, or even just plain old Google Docs, the option is there to do this.

The first thing you’ll need to do is to select all of your documents. Because Google uses an "infiinite scrolling" technique to display your documents, you may need to select "All Items" in the left menu and then scroll all the way to the bottom of your list of items; ensuring that Google has loaded all the documents on the screen. Then you can pull down checkbox selector and choose "Select all visible". This will put a checkbox next to each item on the list.

Select All Items screenshot

Next you’ll either right click on the listed items and select "Export" or pull down the "More Actions" menu item and select "Export".

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Using Google Spreadsheets to Collect Form Data

Google Spreadsheets recently offered the ability to create a form that will collect customer information into the spreadsheet. This is great for people that don’t have access to storing data in a traditional database (which is our preferred solution). They offer you the code to either link to for this form, email the code (great for emailed surveys) as well as code to embed (via IFrame) the form in your existing web page.

If you’d prefer to have FULL control over the display of the form and control the formatting and manipulation of data with your server-side code here is a handy little guide on how to do this using PHP.


  1. Create Google Doc form with all the fields your form needs
  2. Save the form
  3. Email yourself a copy of the form
  4. Pull the necessary fields out of the email to generate the form
    URL for curl to post to
    URL to post form to...
    Names of the various input fields
    Finding the name of the various fields
  5. Insert code below into PHP page
  6. Test solution
   1: //In order to post to Google Spreadsheet Form

   2: //

   3: //Name "entry.0.single" 

   4: //Email is "entry.1.single"

   5: //Phone is "entry.2.single"

   6: //Comment is "entry.3.single"

   7: //IP address is "entry.4.single"

   8: $url = '';

   9: // Create post array to send results to Google Spreadsheets

  10: $fields = array(

  11:                         'entry.0.single'=>urlencode($name),

  12:                         'entry.1.single'=>urlencode($email),

  13:                         'entry.2.single'=>urlencode($phone),

  14:                         'entry.3.single'=>urlencode($comments),

  15:                         'entry.4.single'=>getRealIpAddr(),

  16:                         'submit'=>'submit'

  17:                 );


  19: // Begining of code for posting to Google Spreadsheet

  20: $fields_string = '';

  21: //url-ify the data for the POST

  22: foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }

  23: //rtrim($fields_string,"& ");

  24: $fields_string = substr($fields_string, 0, strlen($fields_string)-1); 

  25: $result = "Fields_String: [" . $fields_string . "]<br />";


  27: //set POST variables for Google Spreadsheets

  28: //open connection

  29: $ch = curl_init();


  31: //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data

  32: curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url);

  33: curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,count($fields));

  34: curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$fields_string);

  35: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

  36: curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_USERAGENT,'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/');


  38: //execute post

  39: $result .= "Curl Results: [" . curl_exec($ch) . "]<br />";


  41: //close connection

  42: curl_close($ch);

Things to note about the above PHP code (gasp!) are that you need to define the proper URL to the spreadsheet and the correct number and names of  fields (see step 4 above) . The only one that might be a little odd is getRealIpAddr() method. This is defined elsewhere in the page’s code as follows:

   1: // Function to get real IP address in case visitor is behind a proxy server

   2: function getRealIpAddr()

   3: {

   4:     if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) // Check IP from shared internet

   5:     {

   6:         $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];

   7:     }

   8:     elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) // to check if ip is passed from proxy

   9:     {

  10:         $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];

  11:     }

  12:     else

  13:     {

  14:         $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

  15:     }

  16:     return $ip;

  17: }




Have fun folks! If you want to rip into my code and/or have suggestions on better PHP coding styles, please use the comment section below…

New Features Added to Google Apps

For those of you using Google Apps, you might be interested in the following new features:

Not using Google Apps yet? Let us help you take fullest advantage of all this Googley goodness with our Google Apps Setup Service.

Add PDFs to Your Google Docs under Google Apps

image Looking to extend the Docs portion of Google Apps to act as a repository? Google has heard your cries!

You can now upload and share PDF files into your docs repository. While you can’t search the PDFs (I’ve got to believe they are going to fix this given that they are a SEARCH company) you can at least cut and paste from these PDF files.

You’ll find more about this on the Google Docs blog posting here: